Domain .XIN

The .XIN domain zone was launched in 2015 and is the official domain zone for China. The name .XIN comes from the Chinese word "新," which means "new."

This domain zone is positioned as an ideal solution for Chinese companies seeking an online presence and aiming to connect with an international audience. The .XIN domain may also be of interest to foreign companies working with Chinese partners and clients.

Registration of a .XIN domain is open to all interested parties, but there is a requirement for the registered domain to adhere to Chinese rules and regulations. Specifically, the domain name must be written in the Chinese language and have corresponding Chinese characters.

The .XIN domain supports both Chinese and Latin characters, making it convenient for use by both Chinese and foreign companies. Additionally, it supports IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) domains, allowing the use of characters from various alphabets, including Russian. However, it's worth noting that registering a .XIN domain may be challenging for foreign users as it requires appropriate documentation and registration with Chinese authorities.

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