The .COMMUNITY domain extension is a versatile and inclusive online space tailored for communities of all types.

It serves as a virtual hub where individuals with shared interests, goals, or geographic locations can come together, collaborate, and engage in meaningful interactions.

Whether it's a local neighborhood, hobby enthusiasts, support groups, or professional networks, .COMMUNITY provides a digital home where members can connect, communicate, and foster a sense of belonging.

The history of the .COMMUNITY domain's origins

Who is it suitable for?

  • Online Communities and Forums: .COMMUNITY is ideal for online forums, discussion boards, and social networks focused on specific interests, hobbies, or causes. It offers a recognizable and relevant domain name that signals a sense of community engagement.
  • Local Neighborhoods and Groups: .COMMUNITY is well-suited for neighborhood associations, local clubs, and grassroots organizations looking to establish their online presence and strengthen community ties.
  • Non-Profit and Advocacy Groups: .COMMUNITY provides a platform for non-profit organizations, advocacy groups, and support networks to connect with their members, raise awareness, and mobilize for change.
  • Professional Networks: .COMMUNITY can be utilized by professional associations, industry forums, and networking groups to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, and career development within specific fields or sectors.

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