Domain .LOC

History and origin

.LOC represents a relatively new domain zone that attracts attention due to its simplicity and clarity. This zone can be used to identify web resources related to local or specific geographic topics.

Application and Industries

.LOC is suitable for various industries and sectors where emphasis is placed on locality or local activity. This may include local businesses, community organizations, tourist agencies, and other entities focused on specific locations.

Target Audience

The target audience for .LOC can include entrepreneurs, local communities, tourist services, and anyone looking to strengthen their online presence with a focus on a specific location.

Registration and Advantages

To register a domain in the .LOC zone, it is typically necessary to approach accredited registrars offering registration services in this zone. Advantages include the opportunity to clearly specify the location or local theme of the web resource.

Related Domain Zones

Other domain zones, such as .CITY, .TOWN, and .LOCAL, can also be considered in the context of local web resource identification.


.LOC provides the opportunity for effective local identification on the Internet, which can be crucial for businesses and organizations operating at the local level. Registering in this domain zone can be a strategic move for those seeking to enhance their local online presence.

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