Domain .ORG

.ORG is like a digital neighborhood where non-profit groups, charities, and organizations set up their online homes.

It's where they share their missions, events, and ways for people to get involved.

It's a place where community and purpose come together on the web.

The history of the .ORG domain's origins

Who is it suitable for?

  • Non-profit organizations: Charities, NGOs, community groups, and clubs that work for a cause without aiming to make profits.
  • Educational institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities often use .ORG to share information, resources, and engage with students and communities.
  • Religious groups: Churches, temples, mosques, and other religious organizations use .ORG to connect with their followers and share teachings and events.
  • Open-source projects: Communities developing free software or sharing knowledge often use .ORG to showcase their projects and collaborate with others.
  • Advocacy groups: Organizations advocating for social, environmental, or political causes find .ORG suitable for raising awareness and mobilizing support.

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